Work Injury Lawyer

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Work Injury Lawyers and Attorneys Getting You Fairly Compensated

If you were injured on the job, you deserve to be properly compensated. Not only can a work injury negatively affect your health and quality of life, but it can also impact your ability to continue working, which ultimately affects your income. Seeking compensation will help you get on the right path for recovery and get you back to living your life as usual.

At Carpenter & Zuckerman, we advocate for injured workers, helping them get the fair payment they deserve. As experienced trial attorneys, we don’t shy away from big corporations and insurance companies that try to take advantage of the little guy. We know exactly how to deal with these companies and secure maximum settlements and verdicts for our clients’ behalf.

Contact us today for a FREE and confidential consultation for your work injury case!

What Is Considered a Work Injury?

A work injury is an injury that an employee sustained while at their job site or while carrying out their work duties at another location. Work injuries can also take place while the employee is commuting to and from work, or from one job site to another.

Work injuries are especially common in certain types of industries, such as construction, manufacturing, and other industries involving physical labor. According to data from the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), 20% of worker deaths in the U.S private sector in 2019 were in the construction industry, making up one in five worker fatalities per year. However, work injury can occur at any type of job, including office positions.

There are many different ways employees can be injured on the job, including the following scenarios:

Workplace injuries can vary in severity, from broken bones and soft-tissue injuries to life-altering traumatic brain injuriesspine injuries, terminal illnesses, and other catastrophic injuries. In the worst cases, work injuries can result in death.

Workers’ Compensation Claims and Personal Injury Lawsuits

There are two courses of action that injured workers can take following a workplace injury: workers’ compensation claims and personal injury lawsuits.

In most cases in which the employee was injured while carrying out their normal work duties, they will need to file a workers’ compensation claim for benefits with the state. Through this process, you will have to see a doctor that is approved through the state’s workers’ compensation program, and the amount of compensation you can recover will be set at a predetermined total based on your injury and other circumstances of your case. If you are not approved for the benefits you think you deserve, you will have to go through a formal appeal process with the state.

In other work injury cases, it may be more appropriate for you to instead file a personal injury lawsuit, which you can only do when your accident was caused by the negligence of a third party that is not your employer. For example, this might be the manufacturer of a defective machine on a factory floor, a negligent forklift operator that was working for your company on contract, or the owner of a property that your employer was leasing. With third-party work injury claims, the amount of compensation you can obtain is based on the severity of your injury and financial losses rather than being capped at a certain amount. Furthermore, you can work with any doctor or medical specialist you want rather than being restricted to a specific network.

In cases where both the employer and a third party are considered liable, the injured worker may be able to file both a workers’ compensation claim and a personal injury lawsuit. Our knowledgeable work injury lawyers at CZ Law can help you determine which type of claim is most appropriate for your case!

Our Skilled Work Injury Attorneys at CZ Law Are Ready to Help!

Don’t try to handle your work injury case on your own. Contact Carpenter & Zuckerman so one of our knowledgeable personal injury injury lawyers can handle the claims and legal process for you! We have already obtained more than $2 billion in settlements and verdicts for our clients since 1995, and we are well-known and respected in the legal and insurance industries.

Our personal injury law firm serves injured workers throughout California and in other states. We have offices located in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Orange County (Garden Grove), Irvine, San Diego, Bakersfield, and Las Vegas.

Call us at (310) 273-1230 or fill out our form for a FREE consultation. You pay no fees unless we win your case!

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